The United Methodist Church of Harbor Springs, Michigan
The August/September newsletter will be mailed on July 29th. There are also copies on the Narthex table. If you would like to receive a mailed copy, please leave a message on the church phone answering machine with your name and mailing address and we will get you on the list to receive the newsletter! It is published in February, April, June, August, October and December.
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December 20, 2023:
Dear Friends:
Grace and peace to you all! We know Christmas is fast approaching, and pray that in the rush of the season, you are taking time to remember what this season is about.
When Pastor Kathy offered her services as our pastor last May, it was with the understanding that she would be our interim pastor, giving the Bishop and Cabinet more time to find the right person for our congregation. We believe they have done just that.
On January 1, Harbor Springs will become a two-point charge with St. Paul's United Methodist Church under the ministry of the Rev. Kristen Coristine (COR-is-tine). She will be appointed three-quarter time (30 hours/week) at Cheboygan and quarter-time (10 hours/week) at Harbor Springs. Her plan is to be in the office here on Fridays, and Bay Bluffs will move our chapel service to Friday morning to accommodate her schedule. She will lead worship services at 9 a.m. Sundays, and then return to Cheboygan for an 11 a.m. service there.
Pastor Kristen was ordained an elder in 2019 and began serving that July at Reed City UMC, following Pastor Kathy's appointment there. Pastor Kathy was delighted that within 6 months, she was hearing less "we miss you" and more "we love Pastor Kristen," and she expects the same will be true for Harbor Springs. She was appointed per her request to St. Paul's in Cheboygan in 2021 because she loves being up north.
Pastor Kristen and her husband, Chris, will continue to live in the parsonage at Cheboygan. We will help pay for the parsonage utilities, but expect a significant drop in our expenses by sharing Pastor Kristen's salary. By making use of St. Paul's secretary for the bulletin, newsletter, etc., we expect this will free up Pastor Kristen's hours to focus on ministry during her time with us each week.
We thank Pastor Kathy for her ministry with us these past 6 months, and will have a farewell luncheon for her at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 27 at HSUMC. We will be arranging a welcome for Pastor Kristen and hope you will pray for her and St. Paul's UMC.
In this season when God sent His Son as a baby to redeem the world, may we be open to His presence of peace and love.
Blessings, Linda Keiser Church Council Chairperson, HSUMC