Harbor Springs
United Methodist Church
343 E Main Street
Harbor Springs, MI 49740
(231) 526-2414
Reverend Kristen Coristine, Pastor
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Third Sunday after the Epiphany
UMCOR Sunday
Sunday, January 26, 2025
9 a.m. Worship Service
Rev. Kathy Cadarette's message will be "Hometown Non-Hero" based on scripture lessons from Luke 4:14-21. Wendy Fershee will be the reader.
The Chancel Choir will open the service with the Introit and will also sing an anthem for Special Music.
Congregational hymns will be:
"O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing"
"Holy, Holy, Holy" and
"How Great Thou Art". Our monthly offering to The United Methodist Committee on Relief will be taken.
There will be a time for coffee, cookies and fellowship following the service.
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On Sunday, February 16th, we will be moving our Worship time to St Paul's UMC in Cheboygan with an 11 a.m. service. The Harbor Springs church will NOT have a service that Sunday at 9 a.m., nor will it be open that day.
This special combined service with our sister church in Cheboygan will be a time of celebration for Rev. Kristen and Chris Coristine as their son, Micah Steven is baptized by our District Superintendent, Rev. Scott Harmon. Scott will present the message that day and preside over the baptism. There will be a party afterwards with food and fellowship. The Harbor Springs church is invited to be there for all the activities with the Coristine family and Cheboygan UMC church family. There will be carpooling available from here to there for anyone wanting to come. Please let Mary Spanburg or Linda Keiser know by Sunday, February 9th if you would like to carpool.
The church building is 100% handicap accessible with special entrance, elevator and bathrooms. Handicap parking is available at both front and back entrances. Ushers and "buddies" are always welcome to help, including rides to and from the church for services and programs.
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
UMCOR Sunday
Sunday, January 26, 2025
9 a.m. Worship Service
Rev. Kathy Cadarette's message will be "Hometown Non-Hero" based on scripture lessons from Luke 4:14-21. Wendy Fershee will be the reader.
The Chancel Choir will open the service with the Introit and will also sing an anthem for Special Music.
Congregational hymns will be:
"O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing"
"Holy, Holy, Holy" and
"How Great Thou Art". Our monthly offering to The United Methodist Committee on Relief will be taken.
There will be a time for coffee, cookies and fellowship following the service.
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On Sunday, February 16th, we will be moving our Worship time to St Paul's UMC in Cheboygan with an 11 a.m. service. The Harbor Springs church will NOT have a service that Sunday at 9 a.m., nor will it be open that day.
This special combined service with our sister church in Cheboygan will be a time of celebration for Rev. Kristen and Chris Coristine as their son, Micah Steven is baptized by our District Superintendent, Rev. Scott Harmon. Scott will present the message that day and preside over the baptism. There will be a party afterwards with food and fellowship. The Harbor Springs church is invited to be there for all the activities with the Coristine family and Cheboygan UMC church family. There will be carpooling available from here to there for anyone wanting to come. Please let Mary Spanburg or Linda Keiser know by Sunday, February 9th if you would like to carpool.
The church building is 100% handicap accessible with special entrance, elevator and bathrooms. Handicap parking is available at both front and back entrances. Ushers and "buddies" are always welcome to help, including rides to and from the church for services and programs.
Last updated 1/23/2025
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